Calamares 3.3.3 released

Feb 24, 2024

This release is primarily to fix a runtime error that shows up in particular build configurations. With KDE Plasma 6 megarelease imminent, some KDE Plasma-related modules have been ported.

This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):

  • Adriaan de Groot
  • Anke Boersma

Translations have been updated (3.3.2 skipped that step).


  • Core libraries libcalamares and libcalamaresui now build with hidden visibility by default, as a step towards ABI stability.
  • A runtime crash caused by (mis?)use of Qt UniqueConnection which shows up in Debug builds was resolved.


  • interactiveterminal can use konsole in Qt6 too. (thanks Anke)
  • plasmalnf module ported to Plasma 6. (thanks Anke)
  • welcomeq example extended to include Markdown syntax. (thanks Anke)


If you experience an issue with Calamares, please tell us all about it on the Calamares issue tracker. For a full change list, see the full list of issues closed within the current generation (which is many releases).

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