Calamares 3.2.54 released

Mar 21, 2022

This is a regular short-cycle release. There are a handful of bugfixes and one new feature.

This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by name):

  • Bob van der Linden (new contributor! Welcome!)
  • El-Wumbus (new contributor! Welcome!)
  • Evan James
  • Santosh Mahto (new contributor! Welcome!)


  • During the installation (“exec”) step, while the slideshow is displayed, there is also a button to show the scrolling installation log as it is written. (Thanks Bob)


  • fstab module correctly handles empty UUID strings. (Thanks Evan)
  • partition module no longer forgets configured partition-layouts. It also respects configured partition labels better. (Thanks Santosh)


If you experience an issue with Calamares, please tell us all about it on the Calamares issue tracker. For a full change list, see the full list of issues closed within the current generation (which is many releases).

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