Calamares 3.2.38 released

Mar 14, 2021

On 3.14 (according to some date-notation schemes; Calamares does let you pick whichever one you like) there is Calamares 3.2.38. There are new modules, module improvements, and some under-the-hood fixes. The milestone for 3.2.37 still isn’t empty, so we will keep using that until it’s done.

Calamares is a distribution-independent system installer, with an advanced partitioning feature for both manual and automated partitioning operations. Calamares is designed to be customizable by distribution maintainers without need for cumbersome patching, thanks to third party branding and external modules support.

This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):

  • Anke Boersma
  • Anubhav Choudhary
  • Neal Gompa


  • Uploading your log files (in case of installation failure) has been expanded and is now more configurable. Users should still take care when uploading logs, and distro’s should configure a URL with no public viewing of those logs. (Thanks Anubhav)
  • The .desktop file for Calamares now makes a longer trip, calling sh -c "pkexec calamares"; distributions may still need to adjust.


  • A new QML-based finishedq module has been added. (Thanks Anke)
  • The packages module no longer supports urpmi; no Calamares- consumers with that package manager seem to exist. (Thanks Neal)
  • The users module now can set a fixed username and prevent editing. The presets configuration entry in users.conf can set a loginName and a fullName and (independently) enable or disable editing of that value. You can, for instance, set loginName to “manjaro” if you like; the user can change it afterwards. You could set the loginName to “oem” and prevent editing it as well. #942


If you experience an issue with Calamares, please tell us all about it on the Calamares issue tracker. For a full change list, or the full list of issues closed with this release, please see the Calamares code repository.

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