Calamares 3.2.47 released

Nov 19, 2021

This is a regular short-cycle release, with new features in the partition modules and some bug-fixes elsewhere.

This release contains contributions from (alphabetically by first name):

  • Evan James
  • Jonas Strassel


  • The translation for Sinhala (si) has reached 100%. Thank you to හෙළබස and Sandaruwan, translators for Sinhala, for special effort in completing that translation.
  • Logging now supports Redacted names. This reduces the scope for leaking names or other private information through the logs (if they are posted to a pastebin). A name is redacted consistently within one run of Calamares, but differently each time.


  • bootloader with systemd-boot now handles root subvolumes better (Thanks Evan)
  • displaymanager supports the greetd display manager, which is a kind of meta-DM itself, supporting multiple greeters. (Thanks Jonas)
  • finishedq now has an extra example QML file that builds the UI in a different fashion, demonstrating how a mobile-OS customization of Calamares would present the “all done” message.
  • fstab has an example configuration file that mentioned space_cache as an option. Since 2014 there was only one possible value, so this option matched the default-and-only value. Newer kernels with newer btrfs versions have a v2 option value as well. Remove the example option, since the kernel automatically picks the right value, while setting it to the wrong one may prevent the system from booting. (Thanks Evan)
  • The partition module no longer logs recognizable disk names or UUIDs. These are redacted in the logs. #1593
  • The partition module, together with the new zfs module and changes in mount and bootloader can install to ZFS if the distribution kernel supports it. ZFS tools are required, as well as the relevant kernel modules. See the in the zfs module. (Thanks Evan)


If you experience an issue with Calamares, please tell us all about it on the Calamares issue tracker. For a full change list, see the full list of issues closed within the current generation (which is many releases).

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